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Monday, 17 May 2021

What after 10th standard? Which course should be done after 10th

What to do after 10th standard? 
Every student is always worried about their career. With all this 
Happens. This also happens to me. I am a student just like you. I wish you 
We are bringing this post for you today so you don't have to wander around to get information. This 
In the post we will show you what you do after 10th. What is the career option after 10? Which then in 10 
 If you are interested in subjects like Interesting Media, Journalism, Literature Sociology, Social Services, Human Psychology, Politics, Economics, History then you can pass 12th from Arts Stream. Many people believe that the arts are taken by people who do not feel like studying or who get low marks. That is not to say. People can make their own career by taking arts. Such Aloko can make his career in the field like lawyer, politician, professor, teacher. 
The subjects of Arts are like Geography, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, English, Hindi, Sanskrit. 
After professional course 10th 
Those who do not want to study for a long time can also do a professional course after 10th. This course is for people who are looking for a job. After completing this course you will also get a degree and also a job. 
1 ITI - This is a two year course which after completion you will get a job directly. ITI also offers several vocational courses. Such as electrician fitter, stenographer, programmer assistant, graphics & multimedia, personality development and many more courses. Conducted by ITI. This is a very good course. Which can be done after 10 p.m.