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Tuesday, 12 October 2021

If Aadhar card is lost, it can be reprinted by paying only Rs. 50, Update at home Details

Aadhaar card is an important document of our life. The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has introduced a new service. Under this facility you can print Aadhaar card online at normal fee. For this you have to go to People who already have an Aadhaar card. But if lost for any reason, he can also get his Aadhaar card back with the old Aadhaar number. People whose mobile number is not registered or linked with Aadhaar card can also apply.

If the Aadhaar card was lost earlier, it could not be reprinted. In such a situation you had to download its e-version from UIDAI's website and present it as proof of identity.

How much does it cost to reprint?

According to UIDAI's website, anyone can now reprint their Aadhaar card by paying just Rs 50 (including GST and speed post charge). This re-printed Aadhaar card will be sent to your registered address through India Speed ​​Post within five working days. You can use your Aadhaar number or Virtual Identification Number (VID) to reprint your Aadhaar card.

However, your mobile number must be registered in the Aadhaar database before applying for Aadhaar reprint. This is because the One Time Password (OTP) will come to your registered number. But if your mobile number is not registered with Aadhaar, then you can apply for re-printing of your Aadhaar card through a non-registered mobile number. However, you will then be unable to preview the details.

Go to the official website of Aadhar Card Click Order Support Reprint under Aadhaar Service. This will open a new tab on your computer screen. You will have to enter your 12 digit base number or enter your 16 digit ID number and security code. If your mobile number is not registered with your Aadhaar number in UIDAI's database, select the box indicating it. If your number is registered then click on Send OTP option. Those whose mobile number is not registered also enter their mobile number. The OTP will be sent to your registered mobile number. This OTP will only be valid for 10 minutes.

Enter OTP and select the box with the term and condition. Now click on submit button. Once you enter OTP you will be able to verify your support details. Once the Aadhaar details are verified, you have to click on the MAC payment option. You will then be redirected directly to the payment gateway.

You can use options like credit card, debit card, net banking or UPI etc. for payment. You only have to pay Rs 50 to get the Aadhaar card reprinted. Enter the payment details and click on Pay Now. Once the payment is successful, an acknowledgment will appear on your screen. You can also download this acknowledgment slip. His message will be sent to your registered mobile number. The support letter will reach the given address.

Read Details In Gujarati : Click Here

The applicant can log on to the official website of UIDI for more information. Any change in Aadhaar card can also be applied online by paying Rs 25.